
Ingenuity Acquires Future Factory


Ingenuity are joining forces with their largest competitor Future Factory in a full acquisition

Both businesses will continue to operate as separate brands, but with a combined workforce of 160 employees in offices in London, Manchester and Leeds. The co-founders of Future Factory, Alex and Dan will continue with the day to day running of the Future Factory brand.

The acquisition has cemented Ingenuity as the go-to business for all agencies who are looking to add exciting brands to their client book.

I love their culture; Alex and Dan have built a brilliant business and this acquisition is a great fit for us. Opening our Leeds office was all about enabling us to work with a real diversity of agencies, brands and talent, bringing Future Factory on board takes us one step further down that path

— Chris Kemp, Ingenuity Founder & CEO

They’ve been our number one competitor, and it feels great to now be working with them as part of the same team. I’m confident that as a combined force, we’ll be able to offer clients a superior service and be even more successful at helping advise them and deliver growth. I see this move as an amazing accelerator for the plans and dreams we had for Future Factory, and the careers of the individuals in our business.

— Alex Sibille, Future Factory Co-founder